Old type Denime

  • 2023年2月5日

Old Denime XX model – a sharp fadeing from the Orizzonti era

DENIME’s classic 50’s XX model. This is one from the Orizzonti era, which has a reputation for its contrasting color fading. I bought them used to see how the color faded. I myself have never worn it. Faded color of Denime XX model The overall color fading is in such an advanced state that the contrast is not noticeable. The actual item is heavily faded with contrasting colors. I think it has been worn without washing for a long time. Whisker Selvig’s scrape The fact that this selvage is not completely open in some areas was the deciding factor in […]

  • 2023年1月23日

Denime XX model Extreme repaired Japanese denim color fade report

XX model of DENIME, purchased in 1995. It is an early DENIME, before it entered the Orizzonti period. In the heyday of reproduction denim, I bought this denim when I was 18 years old and wore it every day. Overview Purchased: May 1995 List price: 23,000 yen The most popular replica denim at the time of its release. 1995 was the year Warehouse was founded, and Full Count may or may not have released a Zimbabwe cotton model. Many people chose Denime as their first pair of reproduction denim for their debut, because it has a solid contrasting bite no […]